After our third day in Nueva Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan, we're at Xela tonight to meet Carlos. We'll work on keeping everyone updated over the next three days that we're in NSCI by having as many of us blog as possible!
A SHORT summary of events that have happened and what our plans are for tomorrow. We'll continue to update you all and will elaborate on the events below with photos and more words to elaborate on the important details.
- We arrived in Nueva Santa Catarina Ixtahuacan to our host Angel's house and visited the Head Tank
- We met with the Water Committee at night. The highlight was a mapping activity (similar to Village Earth) to find out the current status of the project and to determine the problems they're facing and what problems would hold them back in the future
- We visited the site and walked the pipeline from the lower pump station to the upper pump station with the site supervisor, a representative from the contractor, and workers from the community
- We collected water samples from the Puwalkox Springs 1, 2 & 3, the tap, and the piletas to test some parameters such as but not limited to bacteria, pH, phosphate, nitrate/nitrite, turbidity, total dissolved solids, biological oxygen demand, and chlorine demand.
- We presented to the teachers to provide supporting resources for their students and received surveys and a lot of candid discussion from them
- We met with Carlos, who will provide in-country support for us
- Herbert arrived tonight!
- We'll visit the site again and walk the pipeline further up to the distribution tank
- We'll begin administering surveys
- We'll present our disinfection alternatives
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